Something strange has happened during this television season. A very strange phenomenon, indeed. I’ve developed a very odd relationship with some of my most favorite shows from years past. A love/hate relationship, to be more specific.
Every week I sit with TiVo remote gripped tightly and watch these shows I used to wait excitedly for all week long. But these days if I am not playing with my phone in my other hand, reading a book, fast forwarding, or drifting off into sleeping pill happy funtime land, I’m usually saying “are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me dood?!?” to nobody in particular (otherwise known as, myself).
I must let you know how I used to watch TV in order for you to grasp the signifcance of these statements. First off there must be dead silence, no crunchy snack food noise, I had to watch on the night it aired (with an allowance of time for it to run a little ahead so I could fast forward through those pesky commercials, mind you), preferably alone (to safe my significant other from bitchfits), and paying strict attention. Now it’s as if I’m skimming through the season that once held so much importance in my life (sweeps!).
So what happened? Why’d everything go down the shitter? How come I wanted so badly for a show to get cancelled which I used to love (Pushing Daisies) and yet was in fact still watching weekly? Answer: I have no fucking clue.
TV had taken a huge turn for the better in the past few years in my opinion. We had Arrested Development, The Wire, Deadwood, The Shield, The Office, 30 Rock, Entourage… must I go on? … YES. Weeds, Dexter, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Lost, Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck (for when the non-reality show trashtastic soap opera fix is needed), Heroes. I think you might finally get the point even though I probably have left some amazing shows out.
Was it the writers strike? Did they lose their train of thought? Their steam? How did Heroes go from a great show to being the clusterfuck that is all about seeing Peter “Stroke Mouth” Petrelli shirtless? How come the final season of greatness that is The Shield has been the same exact episode for the last five fucking weeks? Ever Dexter and Weeds went a little bit down in awesomeness this season.
This is the main question though, why am I still watching (albeit watching in a really pissed of mood)? Why am I wasting my precious time that could be spent on better things, such as… I don’t know something cool that people with blogs do. Why can’t I let go dammit?
It is sheer attachment. It’s like trying to let go of your most favorite, most comfortable t-shirt even though your cat shit on it and there is a giant spaghetti sauce stain on the left boob. I just can’t let go. These shows are pretty much nursing home residents who are shells of their former selves and I’m just sitting here with the waiting for their time to come. Sometimes we get a flash that reminds us of the good ol’ days and then they just start rambling as the sad reality sets in for us.
A new hope is dawning though, as shows take breaks for the holidays and seasons/series end. We have Big Love, Flight of the Conchords, Nip/Tuck, Lost, and a few others to look forward to. May they redeem my faith in televisionkind, so I’m not such a pissy bitch anymore.
The End.